Privacy Policy

Information collected by RedO

This Privacy Policy is a substantial part of the contractual conformity between you and ("", "RedO", "us", "we", "our", "Company", "Website"), which you agreed to while using/browsing/ visiting “” Website or elsewhere or used any other technology system or gateway offered by RedOs (which owns and operates or its affiliates. This Policy ascertains the methods we or our vendors/partners gather, protect, use and store your data. You agree to this Privacy Policy when you use our products and services on any of the platforms including the website. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, you can opt not to use the Website or any of our services.

RedO Privacy Policy precisely presents the way it collects users' information and data through By agreeing to RedOs you agree to allow it to access your information. Kindly read our Privacy Policy carefully.

In case you have any questions regarding the terms or conditions mentioned herein, you can contact RedO customer support at [email protected].

Information shared by the Users

We gather the following "personal information" about users online where they voluntarily agree to provide it to us through our website:

  • Acknowledgment

  • First Name, Last Name

  • Email details

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Contact Number

  • Postal Code

  • Financial Information ‐ online transaction details, bank account details, email address, and physical address

How we use your information

RedO gathers your personal information for a variety of authoritarian and business requirements. It includes, but is not limited to:

  • Examine and provide report results for the tests desired by patients

  • Resolve your queries for service, support, or assistance

  • Information related to age & gender to provide reports accurately

  • Provide, preserve and improve our services

  • Maintain social history as directed by prevailing law or policy

  • Ensure observance of legal and regulatory needs for deterrence and revelation of frauds and crimes

  • Analyze our services and products and carry out customer surveys

  • To permit for debugging, testing, and otherwise control our platforms

  • We may also use your information to access your data stored by third-party platforms including and social media sites like (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Truecaller, LinkedIn, etc.)

How we use your email address and contact number

  • Registration confirmation and password reminder

  • Intimation of changes in the privacy policy or terms and condition

  • Special communication related to order information, delivery information, etc

  • Occasional offers, if any send exclusive offers and information regarding new product launch, Services and general info

  • RedO doesn't disclose its users' personal information to any third party, unless:

  • it is important for providing services to or you have allowed us to do so,

  • we are legally eligible to do so, i.e. in the fulfillment of regulatory needs or agreement to the court order or other legal/quasi permissible process, and/or

  • it is important to do so for protecting and securing the rights or property of this website. We are not liable for any personal information which is usually accessible to the general public

  • By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, you are also allowing us to share or aggregate, non-personal data about website usage with certain third parties. This summative information does not comprise

  • any personal data about the users. We take ample measures to make sure that our third parties take up the practical and sensible level of security processes to ensure the safety of users' data

European Union (EU) privacy/data protection rights

  • EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has provided the below rights to the EU residents:

  • Right to information - including contact details to the DPO, the purposes for processing Personal Information and the rights of the individual.

  • Right to access the Personal Information that are processed.

  • Right to erasure ("Right to be forgotten").

  • Right to rectification.

  • Right to restriction of processing.

  • Right to data portability of the Personal Information supplied to us by the EU resident.

  • Right to object (opt-out) to processing (unless otherwise we have compelling legitimate grounds).

  • EU residents can exercise these rights by raising a request directly at [email protected] or contact us at the information provided in the 'Data Protection, Privacy & Grievance Support' section with specific requirements.

Data Protection, Privacy & Grievance Support

  • For any enquiry or a complaint about the how we manage and use your personal information,

  • or to seek to exercise your privacy rights in regards to the personal information we take care about your information

  • you may contact our Data Protection, Privacy & Grievance Support team as follows:

  • By Email : [email protected]

  • By Mail : H55, Electronic City, Sec 63, Noida 201301

  • Grievance Officer : Prince Wadhwa

How we access your reports or data

  • In some cases, patients' reports and information is shared with physicians or healthcare professionals for proper diagnosis and treatment

  • Patients' report is used for billing purposes and we may also share it with insurance companies, healthcare departments, physicians for payment rationale. We ensure that patients' privacy is protected in the process

  • We may access your information or reports to carry our healthcare-related activities like performing a quality check for testing and quality analyses purposes

Links to third-party websites

On our website, you will come across several links to third-party platforms. These links may be our company, or they may appear as content that other users generate. These linked third-party platforms are not under our control and thus we are not accountable for their actions. Before providing your data through any other website, you should analyze the terms and conditions of that website.

Transfer of user data

We may transfer the data shared by you in the event of a transfer of ownership of RedO or the attainment of substantially all the assets of RedO related to the owner which collected such information, like acquisition by or a merger with another company. When any such thing happens, RedO will inform users who have provided email addresses.

Amendments to the Privacy Policy

RedO reserves all the rights to amend modifications/changes to this Privacy Policy, and any of its other processes regarding the treatment of data collected through the Website, without prior notice. Any modifications to this Privacy Policy will become effective upon posting the modified Privacy Policy on the Website.

Cookies Policy

When you use services offered by RedO, it sends "cookies" to your device or computer when you access the Website and the Services such cookies as explained here. The services use cookies to advance the quality of our website, build recommendations, and make the experiences for the users easier for our members. Cookies are a small text file recorded on users' hard drive or smartphone that classifies them as an inimitable user and comprises certain information about their specific login session and/or their use of the Services.

Contact Us

For any queries regarding our terms of service or privacy policy, you can contact us to get your queries resolved. You can also submit your request or query regarding our terms of services or privacy policy at: [email protected]

Office Address:

H-55, Sector 63 Road, A Block, Electronic City, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201301.