What is RedO

RedO is India's Trusted e-health and wellness care platform, designed to address the prevailing health conditions. We provide several healthcare products and supplements specially prepared to give effective results for health issues. All the products at RedO are curated under the expert supervision of trained and qualified medical professionals. RedO supplements are customized with the magic of science, the richness of nutrition, and the benefits of Ayurveda.

RedO aims at a happy, healthy, and fit India physically, mentally, and sexually.

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What We Treat

Success Stories!

Approved Medication, Trusted by Experts.

Only the best of care with RedO

Arthritis is a painful disease of the joints. Osteoarthritis (OA) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) are the two major types. In OA, which often affects the hips, knees, feet and spine the joint cartilage deteriorates over time.
Sexual Wellness
REDO offers access to safe, effective care that is more convenient than visiting a doctor in person for all your intimate needs.
Managing a healthy weight is now possible with REDO Care Experts.
Women Fertility
REDO will tailor your treatment on an individual basis to give you the very best chance of a pregnancy.
RedO Mission
A digital-first judgement-free wellness platform. Backed by qualified doctors, we are dedicated to provide personalized wellness products and services.